Here are 3 poems, written quickly and posted to either to my facebook page, or twitter stream. It seems that since I wrote my post on iambic heptameter, I’ve been stuck writing most my poetry in a sorta semi-rhyming, faux-blank verse version of it (I don’t know the term for it:)) I also learned that I naturally tend towards heavy usage of enjambment…who knew. Well, here they are, enjoy 🙂
We all sleep, piss, shit, live, die – We
all need food and waterWe grind, in order to survive
We are all human beingsWhere then comes the disconnect – The
egos, the evils, theblatant disrespect for other
peoples – Come togetherOur fates intertwine, we bind – Why
can’t we seem to see thatWe dine on what we never were
We shine when we look backBut the light is still a lie that
our hindsight makes the truthWe live and die for those same lies
like that’s all we can doPeoples – Come together. We need
to introduce the noosethat will strangle all this bitter-
ness that’s choking the youthSo let it all hang out. Lay your
issues down to rest, breatheLove as if it is all you know
And dream, my people, dream
SilencioBarnes on Twitter
I want to come inside you,” / said the handgun to the brain. // But the only thing that came / was the last gasp of his name.
“I want to come inside you,”
said the handgun to the brain.But the only thing that came
was the last gasp of his name.
Kenny Rodgers told me not to
fall in love with a dream-er. So I divorced myself from
God. Though the dreams of theRedeemer still haunt me in my
sleep. Still, I dream askew.Are you my lost creator?
For you made me just like you.