*UPDATE August 20, 2010 – It seems that a SECOND farm has also issued a recall making the amount of recalled eggs over half a billion now! Read the full story here (CNN.com)
Half a billion eggs have been recalled
The Egg Safety Center has a complete list of recalled eggs, their expiration dates, and brands. Check the situation in your state. Here are safety tips. (CNN) — The number of eggs recalled in a nationwide salmonella scare has grown to more than half a billion.
If you didn’t already know, there is a huge egg recall going on right now…that’s right…eggs aka the incredible edibles
A national outbreak of salmonella in eggs has sickened hundreds of people since May and appears to be ongoing, experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say. The outbreak has been tracked to in-shell eggs from Wright County Egg in Galt, Iowa, which has launched a recall.The Associated Press estimates the total number of eggs recalled at 228 million.
The recall covers eggs in their shells packed between May 16 and Aug. 13. They come in cartons ranging from six to 18 eggs and are marked with plant numbers P-1026, P-1413 and P-1946. The eggs should be returned for a refund and not consumed. Full Article
Yup…another recall. Here’s where you can find all of the official info:
http://www.cdc.gov/salmonella/enteritidis/ – The official CDC release about this multistate outbreak
http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm222501.htm – The official FDA recall notice
http://www.webmd.com/news/20100820/egg-recall-frequently-asked-questions – A list of frequently asked questions (faqs) about the recall from WebMD

Be careful. Watch what you ingest – the recall is recent, but the contamination has been there since spring!